
If you are ready to become a Christian and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior, all you have to do is believe. Do you understand and believe that you have sinned and deserve God's judgment? Do you understand and believe that Jesus took your punishment and died for you? Do you understand and believe that His death was sufficient to pay for your sins? If you can answer yes to all three of these questions, then put your full trust in Jesus as your Savior. Accept Him by faith and trust Him completely. That is all it takes to become a Christian. You can leave a message on our website now, or contact us by e-mail.
The first step to become a Christian is to understand what the term “Christian” means. The origin of the term “Christian” was in the city of Antioch in the first century A.D. (see Acts 11:26). It is possible that, at first, the term “Christian” was intended to be an insult. The word essentially means “little Christ.” However, over the centuries, believers in Christ have adopted the term “Christian” and use it to identify themselves as followers of Jesus Christ. A simple definition of a Christian is a person who follows Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ declared that He “did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45). The question then arises – why did we need to be ransomed? The idea of a ransom is a payment that must be made in exchange for the release of a person. The idea of a ransom is most frequently used in instances of kidnapping, when someone is kidnapped and held prisoner until a ransom is paid for the person’s release.

Jesus paid our ransom to free us from bondage! Bondage from what? Bondage to sin and its consequences, physical death followed by eternal separation from God. Why did Jesus need to pay this ransom? Because we are all infected with sin (Romans 3:23), and are therefore worthy of judgment from God (Romans 6:23). How did Jesus pay our ransom? By dying on the cross to pay the penalty for our sins (1 Corinthians 15:3; 2 Corinthians 5:21). How could Jesus’ death sufficiently pay for all of our sins? Jesus was God in human form, God come to earth to become one of us so He could identify with us and die for our sins (John 1:1,14). As God, Jesus’ death was infinite in value, sufficient to pay for the sins of the entire world (1 John 2:2). Jesus’ resurrection after His death demonstrated that His death was the sufficient sacrifice, that He had truly conquered sin and death.
Congratulations! If you are a new believer, you have just experienced the beginning of your new, eternal life (John 3:16; 10:10). Your sins have been forgiven and you have been given a fresh start (Romans 4:7). You have now been given inexpressible, glorious joy (1 Peter 1:8-9).

In addition to the wonderful blessings of knowing Christ, you are probably thinking, “Now what? What is the next step?” The Bible offers some important principles for those who have begun a relationship with God.

First, as a new Christian, begin reading the Bible. There are many translations and numerous places to start. While there is no perfect translation, we recommend you choose a Bible that is easy for you to understand and is faithful to the original text of the Bible. To sample some of today’s popular translations, you can go to websites such as BibleGateway.com or YouVersion.com. We recommend that you begin your reading with the Gospel of John or one of the other Gospels to read for yourself what Jesus taught and did during His time on earth. Other articles on GotQuestions.org will help you answer the practical questions you have about God and spiritual issues. The Bible teaches, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15).

Second, as a new Christian, begin praying. Prayer is simply talking with God. Many believe prayer must include a formal set of words that can only take place during a church service. However, the Bible teaches us to pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). We are instructed to praise God day and night. If we desire to know God more deeply, we must communicate with Him regularly.

Throughout each day, you can give thanks to God, ask Him to answer your daily needs, and pray on behalf of others. It’s also important to pray together with others who follow Christ, encouraging each other, praising God, and seeking answers to everyone’s requests. For ideas on how to pray, you can begin with the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13).

Third, as a new Christian, be baptized. Baptism symbolizes your new life in Christ and proclaims that you are now committed to Jesus. Even Jesus was baptized (Luke 3:1-22), and He calls His followers to also be baptized. Baptism was practiced by the very first followers of Jesus in Acts 2:41.

Usually, the leaders of a local church perform baptism. A local church pastor or church leader should be glad to speak with you about baptism if you express your interest.

Fourth, as a new Christian, build friendships with other Christians. The Christian life is designed to be enjoyed with others. Jesus invested much of His ministry with 12 disciples as His closest friends. He likewise calls us to live in community with one another. The New Testament has over 50 “one another” verses that refer to loving one another, serving one another, encouraging one another, and praying for one another. Each of these commands requires relationships with other Christians.

Fellowship with other believers is one of the purposes of a local church. If there’s a Bible-teaching church in your area, it’s a great place to get involved. If you live in a community without a church, you will need to pray for God to open opportunities for you to meet other Christians in your area.

Fifth, as a new Christian, help others. As you begin your new life as a Christian, you will find a new love inside you giving you a desire to help others. The Holy Spirit will lead you in ways to help. You might serve the poor in your community, assist a neighbor with yard work, or visit a sick friend in the hospital. The Spirit will clearly call you to show God’s love (1 John 3:17-18).

Sixth, as a new Christian, tell someone about your faith. Becoming a Christian is not a secret; it’s a celebration! Tell all who will listen about Christ’s work in your life. In some cases, other people will come to faith in Jesus through the example you share. Just before Jesus ascended to heaven, He commanded His disciples to make disciples of all the nations (Matthew 28:18-20). Today, Christians are still called to share the hope within us with others (1 Peter 3:15-16).

Finally, these are simply helpful tips on how to grow in your new faith; they are not a list of requirements to become a Christian or to stay a Christian. You have been saved by grace through faith, apart from any works of your own (Ephesians 2:8-9). God started the work in you, and He promises to finish it (Philippians 1:6). God bless you as you continue to mature in your faith!

为了与上帝“和好”,我们必须首先了解什么是“错”。答案就是罪。“没有行善的,连一个也没有”(诗篇 14:3)。我们违背了上帝的命令;我们“如羊走迷”(以赛亚书 53:6)。

坏消息是,罪的惩罚是死亡。“犯罪的,他必死亡”(以西结书 18:4)。好消息是,慈爱的上帝一直在追寻我们,以拯救我们。耶稣宣称他的目的是“寻找、拯救失丧的人”(路加福音 19:10),当他死在十字架上时,他宣布他的目的已经实现,他说:“成了!”(约翰福音 19:30)。

与上帝建立正确的关系始于承认你的罪。接下来是向上帝谦卑地承认你的罪(以赛亚书 57:15)。 “因为你心里相信,就可以称义;你口里承认,就可以得救”(罗马书 10:10)。

这种悔改必须伴随着信仰——具体来说,就是相信耶稣的牺牲和奇迹般的复活使他有资格成为你的救世主。“你若口里承认耶稣是主,心里信神叫他从死里复活,就必得救”(罗马书 10:9)。许多其他经文也谈到了信仰的必要性,如约翰福音 20:27;使徒行传 16:31;加拉太书 2:16;3:11、26;以及以弗所书 2:8。

与神和好取决于你对神为你所做的一切的回应。他差遣了救主,他提供了祭物来除去你的罪(约翰福音 1:29),他给了你应许:“凡求告主名的,就必得救”(使徒行传 2:21)。

浪子的比喻是悔改和宽恕的一个美丽例证(路加福音 15:11-32)。小儿子在可耻的罪中浪费了父亲的礼物(第 13 节)。当他承认自己的过错时,他决定回家(第 18 节)。他以为自己不再被视为儿子(第 19 节),但他错了。父亲像以前一样爱这个归来的叛逆者(第 20 节)。一切都被宽恕了,随后举行了庆祝活动(第 24 节)。上帝是善良的,他信守诺言,包括宽恕的承诺。“耶和华靠近伤心的人,拯救灵性痛悔的人”(诗篇 34:18)。

